Announcement of the launch of Wisdom of Age platform (alpha)
Geneva, 27 December 2021 – Yumytech together with the consortium led by the Romanian company Digital Twin SRL announces the launch of the alpha version of the Wisdom of Age platform. Wisdom of Age is a Digital Platform for the 55+ seniors for Knowledge Transfer to the Industrial Environment. It is based on the grant contract No. 234 of 01.05.2021, submission code: AAL-2020-7-83-CP, concluded within the framework of the ACTIVE AND ASSISTED LIVING (AAL) programme of the European Union and financed in Switzerland by Innosuisse, the Swiss Innovation Agency.
Wisdom of Age is a research and development project to create a modern, innovative, flexible and open digital platform developed with a simple yet intuitive user interface to facilitate older adults to live a better and active life.
Wisdom of Age creates a unique opportunity to age well in a digital world
Using artificial intelligence and easy-to-use interfaces, it helps senior mentors stay connected, stay active and share their valuable experience for the benefit of young people now working in industrial companies. It’s quick to learn and easy for everyone to use.
Who will use Wisdom of Age?
Realising the potential and putting it to very good use by bridging the generation gap and uniting both primary end-users (senior experts) and secondary end-users (organisations supporting healthy and active ageing) together with industrial companies. Senior experts can transfer their knowledge and experience to companies in mentoring, coaching and advice sessions hosted by Wisdom of Age.
This project is implemented by an international consortium including Technical University of Cluj-Napoca, ARX iT and Yumytech – Switzerland as well as NGOs (End-user): Institute for Ageing Research – Switzerland and HappyAgeing In4Care – Belgium. Wisdom of Age is a project funded by the AAL Programme, co-funded by the European Commission and national funding authorities in Romania, Switzerland and Belgium.
AAL is a funding programme that aims to create a better quality of life for older people and strengthen industrial opportunities in technology and innovation for healthy ageing. AAL supports international consortia by funding their projects working to create market-ready products and services for older people. Each project is made up of SMEs, research bodies and end-user organisations.
The project started on 1 May 2021 and is scheduled to end on 31 October 2023.
There are 6 partners involved, including one SME, three research bodies and two end-user organisations.
The total budget of the project is €2,400,000, of which the public contribution is €1,400,000.
This press release reflects the views only of the author, and the European Commission or Innosuisse cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.
“This work is supported by a grant of Innosuisse, the Swiss Innovation Agency”.
Discover more about the project on https://wisdomofage.eu

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